Volunteer Opportunities

There are 5 main areas for volunteers to sign up:

  • Palanca Chapel: This is scheduled in one-hour increments From 8:00pm on Thursday evening to 4:00pm on Sunday evening.
  • Kitchen: Kitchen sign ups run in two-hour increments on Friday from 6am to 8pm, Saturday 6am to 8pm and Sunday 6am to 8pm.
  • Security: Security sign ups run in two-hour increments on Friday from 10pm to Saturday 6am, Saturday 10pm to Sunday at 6am.
  • Entertainment or Music.
  • Building:  Sign up to come in to empty trash or check paper products one or more times throughout the weekend. Volunteers also needed for set up and clean up.  Set up is usually a few days prior to the Cursillo weekend and tear down is Sunday afternoon.  Check your newsletter for details.  
  • Yes Sheet
Champaign Area Cursillo Community
PO Box 7043
Champaign, IL 61826-7043